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Games tagged as: free
My Romantic Town
Recreate your own rendition of romance!
13  Rating starRating starRating starRating starRating star  

Dance Classroom Decoratio…
Please the prima ballerinas with your en pointe design skills!
53  Rating starRating starRating starRating starRating star  

Clothing Store Decoration
Get this chic shop in tip-top shape!
25  Rating starRating starRating starRating starRating star  

Pet Home Designer: Wildca…
"Purr, purr, purr!" says the fierce ball of fur...
40  Rating starRating starRating starRating starRating star  

Pony Club Decoration
Prepare yourself for pony pandemonium with Minx, Jinx, and the re…
33  Rating starRating starRating starRating starRating star  

My Fashion Sketchbook
Feed your muse with sketchbook doodles and scribbles.
30  Rating starRating starRating starRating starRating star  

Zodiac Makeover: Cancer
Fresh and funky's the name of the game for this whimsical water s…
26  Rating starRating starRating starRating starRating star  

Decorate the Theme Park
Join Jinx, Minx, and the rest of the gang for a day at the amusem…
20  Rating starRating starRating starRating starRating star  

Zodiac Makeover: Leo
Miss Leo loves a luscious look!
20  Rating starRating starRating starRating starRating star  

Zodiac Makeover: Virgo
Astrological authorities agree: Virgos have that earthy va-va-va-…
22  Rating starRating starRating starRating starRating star  

Ice Cream Car Decoration
Nothing says summer like the familiar jingle of the ice cream tru…
31  Rating starRating starRating starRating starRating star  

Skinny Jeans Dress Up
Slim is in! Slide yourself into a pair of these hip-huggers and y…
19  Rating starRating starRating starRating starRating star  

History Dress Up: Rome
Step back in time and slip into something more...imperial.
31  Rating starRating starRating starRating starRating star  

Justin Timberlake Makeove…
From boy-band cutie to hunky heartthrob—this one-time Mous…
25  Rating starRating starRating starRating starRating star  

History Dress Up: The Six…
Connect with your inner flower child and get groovy, baby!
16  Rating starRating starRating starRating starRating star  

Princess Carriage Decorat…
Who needs a fairy godmother when you can arrange your own magical…
24  Rating starRating starRating starRating starRating star  

Zodiac Makeover: Libra
Do this Libra justice with a bold brush of well-balanced beauty.
24  Rating starRating starRating starRating starRating star  

Zodiac Makeover: Scorpio
Handle with care—this sassy scorpion is sizzlin' hot!
26  Rating starRating starRating starRating starRating star  

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